Matthew 5:6
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
I can honestly say, I thought I was hungry to
see God in his fullness. I desire to see the miraculous. I desire to feel God in a way that I have never experienced before.
I long to see the lost saved and the prisoner set free. I want to see the lame walk. I want to see the blind eye opened. I
want to see tumors fall off, by the glory of God. I would like to be able to walk in a room and people be healed just by crossing
my shadow. I would like to see demons manifest when I walk into the room because God is so present in my being. All of this
is so possible! Jesus said in:
John 14:12
Verily, Verily, I say unto you, He
that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works shall he do because I go unto my father.
So why am I not experiencing it? Why is this not present in the church today? I have heard stories
and read articles about it happening in other countries. Why not in America? Why not in my church? What are we missing?
There is probably not one of us reading this article
that has ever felt the grip of starvation in our body. In America we are so blessed. I do know that every one of us have been
hungry before. When we are in need of food we go to the fridge and get something. We can also drive to the nearest fast food
restaurant and get a meal. We do not know what it is like to have nothing to eat. I know that there are times when we are
really hungry and we have to get something to eat. When we get hungry. Do we go and find a football to fill our need? Do you
go and buy a new car or boat to fill that need? NO we dont. We go and get food to give our body what it needs to survive.
In other countries around the world starvation is a daily experience. They know what it is like to do without. They dont have
the opportunity to fill their own needs. These people are desperate. They need help, they are HUNGRY! It is not hard for them
to reach out to God for help. He is their last hope. Here in America we dont have to depend on God. Our job provides for our
needs. If we are sick we just go to the doctor. If we cant pay our bills we just file bankruptcy. If we cant buy groceries
we just file for foods stamps. If we feel empty inside we just go and fill that void with a new toy, we go and have a nice
dinner and try to relax. We are so good at supplying all of our needs. WHAT DO WE NEED GOD FOR? What I am trying to say is in the physical being hungry can only be fixed one way. FOOD. In the spiritual
we have found a thousand different ways to fill the hunger that is within us. I believe that everyone of us have a God given
hunger for the things of the Lord. How do you fill that hunger? Is it in the things of God or do you fill that hunger with
fleshly things. Do we have ourselves so stuffed with the things of this world that we have a false feeling of contentment?
2 Timothy 2:4
No man that warreth entangleth
himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen
him to be a soldier.