The trial of your faith
It is easy for me to write on the web site how to be victorious. It is easy for
me to tell people to have faith. It is easy for me to tell people that God will give them a plan to overcome. But is is hard
when it is the future of your family. Satan puts such a desperation and fear on you that the only thing that keeps you going
is the knowledge that god has given you. The things that God has revealed to me over these past years is now going to
be what delivers my family. I guess what I am saying is that now, I am in a place where there is no turning back. I either
believe or I don't. I either overcome or be destroyed. This is a hard place to be. It makes me wonder just what kind of a
warrior that Paul was in the bible. When it was time for him to be executed he proclamed that he was ready he had run his
race. Can you imagine the battles that he went through before then. What kind of a man was he. There seemed to be no fear.
No discouragement. I bet there were times when he was alone with God that he asked God why. Was he going to make it
this time. He may have had questians that we never heard of. But can you imagine the mind games that satan played on him.
Yet in the times of battle he never stumbled. His faith was never shaken. I pray that I can become like paul. I guess that
is why we go through things is to build that kind of faith. Paul was a man of God that seperated himself to the calling, that
God had placed on his life: Romans 1:1 Paul, A servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an Apostle seperated unto
the Gospel of God. He made a conscious decision not to become entangled in the things of this world. 2 Timothy 2:4 says No
man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
Paul was not perfect but he had Gods plan at work in his life. It wasn't that Paul didn't have problems.
He had problems, he had attacks, he just knew that God was in control. I know that sometimes when problems come our way even
the greatest warrior can feel alone. The gretest warrior can become afraid. The greatest warrior can doubt. BUT ONLY FOR A
MOMENT. After all we are human. We are flesh and blood. We do walk in a world that is controlled by the enemy. We are the
minority. The thing is only the greatest warrior notices when the attack is moving the flesh and flooding the emotions. That
is when like Paul we have to seperate ourselves from the things of this world. Look to the heavenlies/ Remember the promises.
Hold your head up and know that God never fails. Even when our flesh weaps our spirit must arise. We must under all circumstances
stand up and fight the good fight. Arise and run the race that is set before us. Then we are the greatest warriors. The warriors
that when all seems lost. When the flesh is weary and scared. These warriors arise and have the mind of Christ, they
see things that are not as though they were. So let your spirit man arise even though it seems that the darkest hour has come.
The greatest victories you will ever experience always come after the greatest and most trying battles that you will ever
have. If you are going through your darkest hour. Pray that God will give you the mind of Christ. The peace that passes all
understanding. Stand strong. Stand firm. Even if it seems that you are alone. Know that God is with you he will never leave
you or forsake you. You are a great warrior.