Spiritual Warfare is not easy to define as it covers a large area. We can begin to define it
as actively seeking to know God better, and striving to do His will. This definition may seem rather simplistic, however it
is the bare bones of warfare. We can not take spiritual warfare and separate it from other aspects of Christianity. Knowing
God and growing to know Him more and more is of the utmost importance, and it is absolutely terrifying to Satan. The more
we strive to know God and grow in His love, the less influence Satan has on us. When we pray for the salvation of others,
we are blocking the work of Satan in trying to destroy that soul. When we grow hungry for the presence of God, the temptations
of the flesh lessen. Knowing God is the key ingredient in Spiritual Warfare. When we know God, we automatically desire the
things He desires. When we live our lives according to the Word of God, the works of the devil automatically get squashed.
This is one level of warfare, which we will call 'Basic Spiritual Warfare' in which every Christian has no choice but to be
involved. There are Christians who will refuse to acknowledge the spiritual war but this in no way means they will not be
a part of it. The Christian who does not acknowledge this truth, is the Christian who will lose many battles to Satan and
his own flesh.
An advanced, and more widely used definition of spiritual warfare is a direct battle between the forces
of good and evil - the fight against Satan and his servents. There are Christians who have been and will be engaging in a
formal battle with Satan. They will have encounters with demons, and Satanic elements within our society. The majority of
Christians will not be involved in warfare at this level, however we should all be prepared for such a situation. Advanced
warfare can be broken down into three levels:
- Ground Level Spiritual Warfare - This level consists of deliverance from demonic forces
interfering with personal lives. When using the word deliverance we often assume that demonic possession of a person is involved.
This is sometimes but not always true. A person can be under attack from a demon within or outside of their own being.
- Occult Level Spiritual Warfare - Dealings with the occult give demons a strong grasp in
our lives. By delving into the occult, not only are we directly rebelling against God, but we are putting ourselves at risk
for emotional, spiritual and physical baggage. This level of warfare deals with demonic forces who have been attached to individuals
or families
- Cosmic Level Spiritual Warfare - Here we are dealing with higher ranking demonic powers.
These powers have more significant assignments, such as social networks or territories.
In both basic and advanced levels of warfare there is a very important ingredient which comes
second only to knowing God, it is knowing our enemy. In every war, physical or spiritual getting to know the enemy is of great
importance. If we know when the enemy is most likely to attack, and how he is most likely to attack, there is no question
we will be able to better stand strong against him.
Christians are a member of the body of Christ. As with our own
bodies, each member has a different function. Christ has given us all different gifts and calls us to different roles. Not
every Christian will be called to be a Spiritual Warrior at an advanced level of warfare, however we all can and will be involved
at some level. Attempting to become a Spiritual Warrior for Christ, when there is no calling from The Holy Spirit leading
you in this direction is a mistake. Loving, knowing and doing the will of God comes before carrying out our own will.
Warfare has become misrepresented in many circles today. As a result we find a percentage of Christians avoiding the subject
all together. Avoidance is the result of fear and ignorance. Too many times we fear Satan, because we do not understand the
power of God, and the authority we, his followers, have been given in His name. Ignorance has managed to penetrate the Christian
community, because many of us have come to rely on Pastors, Priests and others tell us what the truth is. Pastoral support,
Fellowship and human interaction is a good thing however, humans, even Christian leaders, are not perfect. If we want truth,
we need to go right to the source, the one who is perfect -- Jesus Christ. Why has fear, ignorance and confusion become a
factor in keeping us away from Spiritual Warfare? Maybe the traps that have been laid have something to do with our misunderstandings.
There are two extreme traps to be aware of. The first is over emphasis on Satan and all things
Satanic. We can become so involved in trying to fight Satan, that we forget about God. Satan knows this, and he uses it to
his advantage! There is a demon behind every bush just waiting to attack - this is the mindset that many of us have developed.
Our attention is taken away from God so slowly that we may not even realize it is happening. Remember there are more Angels
of God then there are Angels of Satan. Also remember that although Satan is very powerful his power is limited by God. It's
important for all Christians, to stay focused on the word of God at all times. For those of us looking in from the outside,
we see Christians who are being deceived into turning away from God, and we know we do not want to fall into the same trap.
We avoid Spiritual Warfare thinking that it leads down a dark path. We are mistaken. We are only led down this dark path if
we forget to wear our armor (the armor of God), forget who God is and forget who we are in Jesus.
The second extreme
trap is believing that if we talk or think about Satan we are glorifying him. Jesus spoke about Satan often, and he in no
way glorified him. Jesus understood the impact that Satan could have on humanity, and wanted us to understand this as well.
Jesus gave us authority over demons, but we can not use that authority if we refuse to think, talk and learn how to use it.
We must maintain balance in our Christian lives. Knowing God, Loving God, growing in God -- those things must come first.
This idea that if we ignore Satan he will go away, comes at us from all levels. There are Christian leaders who teach this
and many Christians, new and old, who believe this. This is one of the many reasons why knowing our bible, and allowing the
Holy Spirit to lead us in learning, growing and acting is of such importance.
Both of these extreme traps can result
in fear. If you come face to face with a evil spirits are you going to:
A) cower at their overwhelming power B)
run and hide C) stand your ground with confidence, believing in the authority God has given you.
I hope you picked C! If you didn't please take a moment to think about the scriptures
listed below.
Romans 8:37 - But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through
Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor
things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love
of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 John 4:4 - You are from God, little children, and have overcome them;
because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.
Ephesians 6:10-14 - Finally, be strong in the Lord
and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes
of the devil.
1 James 4:7-8 - Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God
and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts you double minded.
How Do We Engage In Spiritual Warfare?
First we must adopt a new attitude. There is no room for complacency in the heart of a Spiritual Warrior. We must believe
not only with our minds in the authority God has given us, but we must believe with our entire beings. We are saved through
the grace of God. We all deal with doubts and Satan will throw doubts at us constantly. We must not accept them! Refuse doubt,
live in the confidence of your salvation. W.W.J.D Walk with Jesus Daily! Focus on God. Satan will try to
distract you anyway he can. Recognize this and do not allow it - give the devil no opportunity. Read the bible,
study and spend time with God - there are no good excuses not to. You are responsible for you. If you are not prepared for
Satan's attack, you are at fault, not Satan. It is the nature of the beast to attack, and because we know this it is imperative
that we be prepared. Remember however, we are imperfect beings, we make mistakes and we fall. The question is are you
going to stay down when you fall or get up again?
Spiritual Warfare can be broken down into two distinct categories -- Defensive and Offensive.
Through biblical example we learn that to defend our selves against the enemy is of great importance (Eph 4:27, 1 Tim 5:14
James 4:6) however there will also be occasions when it is necessary to launch an offensive attack. This world is the
territory of Satan (Luke 4:6, 2 Cor 4:4). Jesus launched a huge offensive attack on Satan, by setting foot on his territory
when He came to earth.
If you do not spend time trying to grow in God's word, you are responsible for your ignorance,
not God. Make prayer a part of your life. Get to know God - talk to Him and listen to Him. You are not in this alone - God
is right by your side! Familiarize yourself with His word, specifically the armor of God.
For those Christians who have a calling to enter
into advanced warfare I suggest everything above as well as guidance from a mature Christian with experience at this level.
The article written above "What is spiritual warfare" was written by the creator of http://angelsrealm.tripod.com I want to thank them for allowing me to post this article on my web page. I pray that you
will click the link below, to find more keys to success in spiritual warfare.
