James 4:7
Submit yourselves therefor unto God . Resist the Devil, and
he will flee from you.
We all have weakness. Things that tempt
us and try to draw us away. Every person on this planet has different weaknesses. Believe it or not satan knows every one
of them. God was telling us that we need to pray for strength in our weaknesses. God word says that if you faint in the
time of adversery than your strength is small. We must pray for strength to overcome. You can also pray for your family and
their weaknesses. Husband, Children, Parents, Siblings. God wants us to stand firm for one another, to fight for our friends
and family. Remember that when Jesus was tempted he used the word of God to overcome satan and his attacks. Begin looking
up scriptures that you can use to quote to the devil when he pops up his ugly little head with a temptation. Remember
we can do all things through christ who strengthens us.