The second reason for spiritual warfare is to fight for your family. The Husband and Father of
a home decides the spiritual environment that dwells in the home. Many people may have a problem with that statement. I have
heard it said since I was a child that the woman sets the mood in the home. That statement is true in a different sense but
not in the spiritual realm. The husband is the spiritual leader of the home. The lord has set him above the woman to keep
and protect her. God has also given the husband the authority in decision making. I am not saying that a woman has no say
so in things of the family she, does. What I am saying is that God recognizes the husbands leadership. God recognizes his
authority. Therefor so does Satan. The Devil cannot overide, the man that God has put in authority. If a husband has allowed
a spirit of rebellion into his home, He is giving refuge to that spirit into his dwelling. The wife and the children will
also suffer the consiquences of this spirit in the home. Let's say that this family was doing just great and prospering. The
lord began to deal with the father about something that he needed to do. The husband continued to put off what God had said.
This is an act of rebellion. When God began dealing with this man, the Devil also began to deal with him. He sent a spirit
of rebellion to tempt the man, to keep him from fulfilling God's plan. this man continued to not obey God's voice and that
spirit of rebellion just found a new home. After a couple of weeks the wife began to begrudge the husbands authority and began
to follow her own plans in the arena of their finances. She had rebelled against the authority of her husband and submitted
to the spirit of rebellion that had been tormenting her. The children began to rebell themselves. There was no respect for
adults in their life and began to do the things that they had been told many times, not to do. They also submitted to this
spirit. This is how that these spirits work. If they can get the leader of the family to invite them in for lodging then they
have full reign of the houshold. That spirit controlls the leader so it can torment anyone under that leaders authority.
If you are the spiritual leader of your household. Stand up and declare from the roof top " AS
FOR ME AND MY HOUSE WE WILL SERVE THE LORD." Pray that the Lord will open your eyes to the spirits that you have allowed in
your life. Take controll of your life. Rebuke and biond these spirits off of your life and also off of every member of your
family. Once you have cleaned house within yourself you must cleanse the home where you dwell. Take some anointing oil and
begin anointing your home. The Bible says that the anointing breaks the yoke of bondage. Send those spirits from your home
and declare total freedom from the enemy in your home. After you rid your home of the Satanic influence ask the Holy Spirit
to come and dwell in your home. Pray that the Lord would issue his Angels to come in and protect your home from physical and
spiritual danger.