Go ye into all the world preaching the Gospel. How many times have we heard that
scripture? How many times have we thought about ministering to a lost and dying world? How many times have we felt a
burden for those who don't know Jesus? I know for myself, There are too many times to even count. I know that I have
thought to myself, I am not called to the mission field. There is nothing I can do to fullfill this burning desire within
my heart. I felt as if my hands were tied when it came to ministering to people from other countries. Well My eyes have been
opened to a way that even the least of us can go on the mission field and save the lost. How can you help? One way is to support
christian radio that is being heard in the farthest regions of the earth. WJIE is reaching the people that we can't. They
are preaching to a lost and dying world. They are doing exactly what we all desire to do. Reach the lost and bring them
into the light of salvation. I ask all of you. If you have ever wanted to save soul, minister to the sick, or break down strongholds
in some of the most bound nations of the world. Here is your chance. Go to the link below and donate to the WJIE ministry
so they can continue spreading Gods word. If you are unable to go on the mission field. You can still minister to the lost.
Your financial help will send the word of God across the airways. To those that might not hear it any other way. I know
that God will bless you for your support to WJIE. Remember always that the treasures of this world will pass away but your
crown in heaven will last for eternity.
