On July 1, 1960 a beautiful blonde haired little girl was born to my parents. On that day there
was a promise made to them in the word. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he shall
not depart from it. My parents raised us in a loving God fearing home with strong convictions of right and wrong. My sister
Karen was always talented. Even at a young age she could play many instruments. Karen's main talent was singing and playing
the piano. I remember as a little girl listening to her play and sing. I would brag to my friends that my sister could sing
better than Whitney Houston. We were all so proud of her and just knew that one day she would be famous singing for the Lord.
I remember when I was about thirteen and Karen was singing at my Fathers church. She was singing the song Majesty. It seemed
as if everything stopped for the anointing. The congregation just started weeping. It wasn't just Karen it was the anointing
that God had placed on her. I have never met anyone that carried such an anointing for worship. In 1989 Karen got connected
with some contacts of a great country star and was supposed to go and meet with this producer and the go on tour with this
singer. About two months beforehand Karen met a man and began dating. Little did we know that he was a crystal meth dealer.
This was the beginning of Hell not only for Karen but for all those that loved her. My parents prayed and pleaded with God
to deliver her from these addictions for years. During this time Karen lost everything, her home, her children, her jobs,
everything. My family continued to pray that she would get a deliverance from these controlling drugs. About three years ago
Karen began getting her life together. She was now married to her second husband and she was really trying to be a good mother
and wife. Even though she had quit the heavy street drugs she still got her fix through over the counter medications and alcohol.
Satan had such a control on her she couldn't break it no matter how she tried. I believe that he fought her so hard because
God had anointed her so. I believe that he was jealous of the ability that she had. And her earnest praise when she would
play and sing. About the last year Karen had finally got herself together. There was no more street drugs and no more alcohol.
The Lord was slowly strengthening her to be free. The last year we finally got to see the real Karen again, The sister and
daughter that we had longed for for so long. The thing is that the drugs had already done there job. Karen's health was very
poor. Karen was a diabetic, she had chronic bronchitis, nearopothy and many other things. The damage was done. The day
before Karen went on her trip to Colorado she told my Mother that she didn't think that she was going to live long. Momma
told her you better make sure you are right with the Lord. Karen told Momma not to worry that she was praying every night
and she was ready to meet the Lord. Karen and my Sister Mary were taking a trip to Colorado at the end of June with their
Husbands. The week before she left Karen told her Daughter that when she returned from her trip, they were going to start
going to Daddy's church. Karen and Mary left for there trip to Colorado and were camping at 15,000 feet. The night after they
got there Karen and Mary began having a conversation like sisters do. Karen began to tell Mary how she loved God. How she
had always loved him. Even though she had made some bad decisions. She told Mary that every night before she went to bed she
prayed that God would forgive her for all the bad things that she had done. The next day Karen was not feeling well and slept
most of the day. In the evening she went and visited with Mary and then went back to her travel trailer. Karen and Mary had
brought an intercom system so they could talk. That night Karen called Mary and said she was going to go to sleep. She said
I love you Mary. Mary said I love you too. A few minutes later Karen called back and said I love you Mary. Mary replied I
love you too sis. The next morning Mary and her husband Dwight went to wake up Karen and Glenn to see if they wanted to go
to town. Glen yelled at Mary you better check your sister. I can't wake her up. Mary went in to find that Karen was dead.
The coroner said that all of her medical problems had been compounded by the elevation. The day before she was having problems
breathing but she thought it was her asthma. Little did she know her lungs were filling with fluid and she would die that
night from congested heart failure. The Lord promised my parents that she would return to him and he kept his promise. He
had been preparing Karen for a few months and he took her to heaven. Thank you Jesus for being so faithful. Thank you Jesus
for giving her the chance to serve you. Thank you Jesus for keeping your promise. If you are reading this today and you don't
know Jesus. Think twice if you think that tomorrow you will accept him. Karen had the opportunity to get right. She had a
feeling that she was going to die, and she was ready. You might not have a tomorrow. When Karen went to sleep that night,
none of us thought that she would not wake up the next morning. I am asking you to please get yourself ready. None of us know
the time that we are appointed to die. Satan did what he could to destroy Karens life. Satan did what he could to destroy
her health. Satan did what he could to shorten her days on earth. Satan did what he could to steal her soul. But he didn't!!!!
God kept his promise. Thank you God for being so Faithful. I praise you for being so good to us even though we are human and
make such mistakes. I love you Lord. I know that Karen is standing before your throne singing your praises as no one else

1960 - 2002

As I knelt at my bedside for my nightly prayer, My shoulders were so heavy The grief was to much to bear. I
looked to the heavens and quietly said Lord my heart is so heavy, my soul in despair You are the only one that can do
the repair. I don't ask for much but tonight I'm in pain. Lord only you can send healing rain. I ask you to grant
this one prayer for me Lord roll back time so that I can see, How my sister was hurting and needed me I would have
taken the chance once again, to sit down beside her and be her friend. I would kiss her hair, her lips and her cheek I
would tell her just how special she is to me. Lord take me back to that terrible place where we went on vacation for
a short little break Take me back to that place I call Hell, That beautiful mountain She loved so well Give me a
chance to make things right Had I know this was her last night, I would have taken her to the doctor and made things
right I would not have let her die without a fight Oh Dear God why did you take her so quietly in the still of the night. I
stared to the heavens and began to weep, Tears of Grief rolling down my cheek, Then I hear in my heart, God began
to speak, "Oh my child,Why do you weep. Karen is an angel setting at my feet, Her beautiful voice brings joy to my
ears, She sings her song without any fear, no fear of the alcohol, no fear of the drugs, No fear of sleeping with
no one to love, No fear of her future, No fear of her past, She's here in my arms, She's mine at last."
Mary Goff

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