It is imposible to know who you are
in God, Until you have the revelation of who God is!
If we look back at the scriptures of the disciples
and the life they lead. If we look at the things that they experienced you would automatically assume that they had
the revelation of who God was. You would think that after all they had seen, all the miricles they had witnessed, that
they would have had the revelation of who God was. I mean, think about it. They saw him raise the dead. They saw him heal
the sick. They saw him open blind eyes. They saw him calm the winds. They saw him turn water into wine. They saw him cast
out devils. They walked with him and talked with him day after day. Could you imagine what that was like. The disciples knew
God, they walked with him and talked with him but they did not have the revelation of who God was. Why do I say that?
You may ask. I say that because Jesus told his disciples in:
Mark 10:33,34 Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the son of man shall be delivered unto the chief priests, and unto
the scribes; and they shall condemn him to the Gentiles. 34) And they shall mock him, and shall scourge him, and shall
spit upon him, and shall kill him. And the third day he shall rise again. Jesus was stating fact to the disciples about
his death and ressurrection. Jesus was preparing them for what was to come. Jesus wanted them to know that even though they
would take his life that they should not fear, not doubt because he would rise after three days. If the disciples had
a revelation of who God was they would have believed no matter what the circumstances. It wouldn't have mattered that Jesus
was laying in a tomb. They would have never doubted. It would not have mattered that the circumstances were grim and Jesus
was dead, They would have stood on the words of Jesus that "and the third day he shall rise again. " The disciple didn't have
that kind of revelation. They doubted. Mark 16: 14 16)Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and abraided
them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them that had seen him after he was risen. They
didn't believe. They doubted. Thomas had to see the scars on Jesus's hands and thrust his fingers into his side before
he could believe that Jesus had rose from the dead. When Mary went and told the disciples that an angel had told her Jesus
was risen they did not believe. Luke 24: 11 And their words seemed to them as idle tales, and they believed them not.
They didn't have the revelation of who God was. Jesus
had to go to them and physically show them that he was alive. He had to reveal to him that he was alive. In doing this the
disciples had the revelation of who God was. He wasn't just a man that could raise the dead.He wasn't just a prophet or a
man of God. He was the resurrected Savior. He was the almighty, all knowing, all powerful son of God. Jesus could have very
easily just said: I told them that this was going to happen. I told them, I would be crucified and rise after three days.
If they still don't believe after all the miricles that they saw performed, that is just too bad. But that is not who he was.
He had walked as a man, he had felt the doubts, experienced human pain. He had also experienced the attacks of the enemy that
would come to try and make man doubt. Jesus wanted to make sure that his disciples had the revelation of who he was before
his plan was accomplished. That is why he visited the disciples and revelead himself to them. Jesus wanted them to believe
and not doubt. He was putting the exclamation point on his ministry here on earth. It was the straw that broke the camels
back of doubt. It was what caused the disciples to go forward. The disciples now had the revelation that they needed in order
to fulfill their calling and finish what Jesus had started.After Jesus revealed himself to them he gave them their commission: Mark
16: 15-18 15)And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every living creature. 16)He
that believeth and is babtized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17)And these signes shall follow
them that believe; in my name they shall they cast out devils; and they shall speak with new tongues; 18)They shall take
up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall
recover. 20)And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs
following. The Disciples now had not only walked with God and knew of his mighty works but they had a revelation of who
God was. This was what they needed in order to fulfill the calling on their lives. They had to become Christ like. They now
know who God was with the revelation of his power and authority and now they could walk in that annointing with out
doubting or disbelief. They had the revelation of who God was.
I put myself in their shoes I imagine
that I walked with him as they did. I saw what they saw. I tell myself I would have believed any thing that came from
his mouth. I would have followed him any where. I would have hung on every word. It is easy to say what you would do if you
were walking in someone else's shoes. Then I remember how God has proved himself to me to time and time again. I remember
how he has never failed me. I seen the miricles that he has done in my friends and my family. I have seen the sick healed.
The posessed delivered. I have seen the Lost saved and yet, I too some times doubt. Do I have the revelation of who God is?
Or am I just following a shephard and living off of his revelation? I pray that I would begin to experience the true revelation
of who God is. I believe that it is a choice that we consciesly make. God is constantly revealing himself to us. Be it in
a church service. In our own private prayer time. In the answers to a prayer. How long will it take for us to open our eyes
and see that God is all powerful, all knowing and victorious in every situation. If you think about it God has proven that
to us time and time again. It is time to wake up from our slumber and see God for who he is. To have the revelation of God
in all his Glory. If you don't know who God is and you are called to be christ like how can you
fulfill that calling?