I would like to thank you for taking the time to view this website. If you have any questions or comments,
please contact us. If you have a need please let us pray for you, just email us your request. This web magazine
also encourages you to share your knowledge with others. Submit an article to be placed on this website. Together we can take
this world for Jesus. Email us!
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God can use you to bless someone else.
The Lord can use all of us to bless others. Send in your article or experiences in and bless somenoe else. For
example, I might include: Prayer, Fasting, Demon Posession, Deliverance. These are just examples if you have an idea please
send it in. Also if you have a testamony that you would like to share, It just may bless others. Thank you. I hope to hear
from you soon.
This is a free web site. I am a stay at home mom and I don't make anything off of this website. If you send in an article
or testamony you would not be payed for the article. If you send something in, you will be listed as the author and get all
credit for it. I am not here to steal your work I am here to try and bless others. After an article is published on this
site I the author cannot control what is done with it after it is submitted. Thank you for your time, and may God bless you.