Give us this day,
our daily bread.
The third thing Jesus told his disciples to pray about was their personal provision and prosperity.
It is not Gods will that any of his people should have lack in any area of their life. Psalms 35:27 says that God finds pleasure
in the prosperity of his servants. It is time to take that literal and begin to claim prosperity for our own life. Galations
3:13 says that we are redeemed from the curse of poverty.
Pray for God to bless you and your family members at their job. That Gods favor would fall upon
Pray for divine guidence in your spending habits.
Use scriptures in the bible and quote them to God remind him and Satan of the promises that you
Deuteronomy 8:18
Galations 3:13
Psalms 1:3
Psalms 35:27
Proverbs 13:22
We are redeemed from the curse of poverty. For too long we have just accepted it as a part of
life. Let's take our prosperity back!
I bind the spirit of lack in my family's finances. I rebuke the devouring spirit that would come
to financially destroy us. And I replace it with the provisions of God.
PSSSSS. If you don't pay your tithes all of this is for not!!!!
Once again everybody's needs are different so pray that God will reveal to you specificly how
to pray. Then Praise God that he is Jehovah Jireh your provider and thank him for the financial blessings that you are going
to receive.