What is going on in my life? Why is everything falling apart? Why does it seem like everything and everyone
is against me. If you have asked yourself this question, than this article is for you. If we go back to the time when man
was created we can see what is going on in our lives today. God created Adam and Eve so that he could have relationship with
them. He would come down in the cool of the evening and visit with them. We were created to have relationship with God. I
believe that Satan saw this relationship developing between God and Adam and Eve and he became jealous. If you are a Christian
satan sees that relationship and is doing everything in his power to bring seperation between you and God. If you are not
a Christian satan is going to do everything in his power to keep it that way. I will give you an example. My husband and I
were out of church for a long time and we were not serving the Lord at all. During this time satan used everything he could
to create problems to keep us down. In fact you get to a point where it seems that there is no point in trying any more. No
matter what we did something went wrong.I actually got to the point that the only thing that kept me from giving up was a
memory. A memory of how things use to be. The memory of being in Gods presence. If you have ever been in his presence you
will never be complete again if you walk away. I would remember how I would go to the church and pray and I could actually
smell his fragrance. A lot of people will say that is crazy but it is true. That is what brought me back. Now that we have
returned to the Lord and his service. All of Hell has broke loose in our lives. In the first week my car broke. A little later
the lawn mower broke, it is snake season and we have eight acres. Then my husbands truck broke. A pipe busted in the house
and ruined the floor and walls in my bathroom. I could go on and on. Then in July my Sister died unexpectedly. I'm not saying
that satan did that just to get to me but he will use whatever thing he can find to try and keep you down. I have to say that
Karens death is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. I will tell you it gives me a greater resolve to serve the
Lord and fulfill my calling. It seems as if everything that can go wrong will. I will tell you what is going on. We are finally
going in the right direction and satan hates it. He is trying to get us to give up. Quit trying. I declare to you Satan we
will not quit. I am wise to your tactics and I will not blame God or anyone else for the problems you are trying to give me.
Just remember satan you must return all that you have stolen from me seven fold. (ha, ha,ha,) So I hope you get my drift.
I don't care if you are a Christian or not satan hates you. He hates you because God loves you. He sees the potential that
you have in God. I pray that God will open your eyes to the true battle that you are in. The BATTLE FOR YOUR SOUL.
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