The battle touches home
I have been learning about spiritual warfare for years now. I have got on my knees and fought
for loved ones, friends and even people that I don't know. God has been so free with his knowledge and wisdom to me and my
family. I have seen people healed and delivered all due to spiritual warfare and the power of God throught the knowledge that
God has given. There was been a period in my life that I didn't follow the principles that God had given me. I had rebelled
against God and the calling that was on my life. I returned to my first love and have tried with all my own power to get back
to where I used to be. I returned to the calling that God has placed on my life. I started the web sit Gods Warrior Web Magazine
and I knew immediately that I was doing exactly what God called me to do. The night I started this web site my sister died
and since that time any thing that can go wrong has. God has brought me back to the principles that first brought victory
in my life. SPIRITUAL WARFARE. When ever any thing has happened I have got on my knees and fought for Gods will in my family.
I must tell you that every battle that we have been through God has brought a greater victory than we expected. My Husband
lost his Job unexpectedly. It wasn't a week later that He had a job that payed twice the money and was the job that he wanted
all along. My car broke and we had no way to get to church. That is when the Lord had some one to give us a truck. A few days
later the car that we were told to get rid of it, because it couldn't be fixed was repaired for less than $150.00. There have
been so many other things that have happened and God has shown himself more than faithful.
I am not telling you this to scare you off of spiritual warfare. I am telling you this for you
to know that you must get your self prepared for the war that you are entering. I have had many battles and no defeats. God
keeps his promises and fulfills his will in our lives. We just have to be faithful in our part of the battle. I know that
the things that have happened in my life because Satan is afraid. He is afraid of the terratory that I WILL take for God.
So he is trying to stop me to get me to quit. I WILL NOT!!!!!!! God has fulfilled his promises to me. God has kept his word,
and I will keep mine. I can tread upon serpents and scorpions and nothing shall by any means hurt me.
There comes a time in the life of a warrior that we become tired. There is a time when in the
flesh we become weary because of the attacks. That is when we need to be more vigilant in the battle, give the devil no place.
When the battle gets the heavyest is when you know that God is the strongest. That you through God you are the strongest.
Do not give up. If you give the devil a little rope he will hang you with it. Keep your eyes on the prize and know that you
are chosen.
A few days ago I found out that someone I love may have a deadly illness. Fear gripped me to
the depths of my soul. I began to feel all alone, forgotten and betrayed by God. Why would this happen. How could this happen.
This person had no hope and had given up. They didn't even want to fight. They didn't want to fight to live. They just wanted
to accept this fate. I too began to feel hopeless in the situation. What could I do. I was side swiped by an attack of the
enemy. I was taked off guard. I was blown away by an attack that I never would have expected. It took a day for me to allow
God to minister to me what was going on. I had to stop. Look at Gods promises and know that he has given us the power to overcome
all the fiery darts of the Devil. There is nothing that He can send my way that will keep me from fullfilling the call of
God in my life. I pray that you will stand with me in war for my friend. The battle has come home. It has hit me in a place
that really affects me like no other attack I have ever been in. The devil hit me with this at a time when I was weary and
tired in the battle. I can tell you this that I am no longer weary, I am mad. Mad at Satan for what he thinks he can do to
destroy the people that I love.
1 Thess 5:6 Therefore let us not sleep as others do; but let us watch and be sober.
2 Tim 2:4 No man that warreth entangleth (let's himself become involved) himself with the affairs
of this life, that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
No matter what the circumstances say. No matter what the report. I will believe the report of
the Lord. God says that we can do all things through God who strengthens us. God says that he will give us the victory. So
I declare today to the whole world that My family walks in health and healing and we will not succumb to the lies and attacks
of the enemy.
You as a warrior should not succumb to the attacks that the Devil may send your way. Be faithful
to God and stand on his promises. God will never leave you alone in the battle. But he needs you strategecly to take control
of the powers that are at work in this world. You are irreplacable. Do not allow your self to become weary in doing good.
Keep yourself strengthened and strong in the things of God. Keep up the good fight and Know that WE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!